Compact Chart:
Wilhelm Freytag

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Christian Freytag
Compact Chart: I1348 Eduart Johann Friedrich Freytag
1822-1905 ‎(82)‎
Compact Chart: I1349 Johanna Dorothea Bierbaum
Compact Chart: I1347
Herrmann Theodor Adolph Freytag
1859-1944 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I1346 Wilhelm Freytag
1892-1974 ‎(81)‎
Compact Chart: I1371
Catherina Müller
1864-1948 ‎(84)‎
 Compact Chart: I1372
Gottlieb Obuch
Compact Chart: I1374 Caroline Auguste Obuch
1823-1908 ‎(85)‎
Compact Chart: I1373 Anna Rosina Friederike Stein

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