Compact Chart:
Max Fiebig

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Carl Gottlob Fiebig
Compact Chart: I4336
Carl Benjamin Fiebig
1746-1813 ‎(66)‎
Compact Chart: I4334 Carl Friedrich Fiebig
1779-1866 ‎(86)‎
Compact Chart: I4335 Maria Rosina Preudel
Compact Chart: I4337Compact Chart: I4332Compact Chart: I4288
Elisabeth Finckel
Rudolf Theodor Fiebig
1816-1870 ‎(53)‎
Compact Chart: I4286 Max Fiebig
Compact Chart: I4287
Johanna Luise Mundry
 Compact Chart: I4333Compact Chart: I4289
Charlotte Regine Pratsch
1790-1858 ‎(67)‎

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