
Search the way you think the name is written (Soundex)

  1. Agnes Postol 1791-  Marriage1816 Andreas Postol 1791-
    1. Agnes Postol 1791-  Marriage1816 Andreas Postol 1791-
      1. Agnet Postol 1802-
      2. Agnet Postol 1805-
      3. Agnet Postol 1800-
      4. Agnet Postol 1798-
      5. Andreas Postol 1800-
      6. Andreas Postol 1801-
      7. Andreas Postol 1791-  Marriage1816 Agnes Domogala 1791-
        1. Andreas Postol 1791-  Marriage1816 Agnes Domogala 1791-
          1. Andreas Freigärtner Postol 1797-